Monday, March 28, 2011

Congratulations! And thank you for all your support!

Dear Colleagues and Friends:

A little over a week ago, I participated in the Run 4 Kids 24-Hour Ultra-Marathon in support of the 100 Mile Club. It was a great day! Long, with ups and downs and at the end a little painful ... But I got to know some super nice and inspiring people, like Ed Ettinghausen who ran four marathons that day and who ran another two the next morning to break the (Guinness) world record for the most marathons in one year (112) ... .

Congratulations to all the Ultra-Runners who gave their personal best during these 24 hours! And to the kids of the 100 Mile Club who joined us for their event during the day! One 10 year old boy who never did more than a 5 mile run in his life before, ran 18 miles together with Ed ... .

The end result for me was also very positive. Since I have never officially completed a 50 Miler, my minimum goal for the day was 50 miles (80 km). Once I reached this, I went for the next higher goal of running a double marathon (52.4 mi./ 84.3 km). Then, the 100K was suddenly in reach and once I hit the 100 km (62 mi.), I pushed it and went for a triple marathon (78.6 mi./126.5 km) which I was able to complete about 30 seconds (!) before the end of the 24 hours! Round and around and around for 315 laps ... .

In an attempt to provide you with some impressions of that remarkable day and to say thank you for your help and support, I put together a slide show which you can watch online by clicking the following link:

Thanks to all my friends who came out to support me and to run/walk a few laps and everyone who followed me online throughout the 24 hours. It made all the difference! Thanks to the race directors and the founder of the 100 Mile Club for coming up with such a great idea. And thanks to all the volunteers who helped to make this event happen!

Last but not least: Thank you to all who donated on my fundraising page for this great cause. With your donations, you helped to raise enough money to support 88 kids (!) and provide them the opportunity to experience the powerful feeling of fitness and true personal success by accepting the challenge of running or walking 100 miles during one school year! This will probably have a positive effect on them for the rest of their life.

Again, I am deeply grateful for each one of you and your contribution. I had a wonderful experience and look forward to doing it again next year!


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