Total Time: 16:06.25 hrs
Swim (2.4 mi/3,9 km): 01:30.09 hrs
T1 (Swim to Bike): 00:16.53 hrs
Bike (112 mi/180 km): 08:18.29 hrs
T2 (Bike to Run): 00:14:.07 hrs
Run (26.2 mi/42,2 km): 05:46.46 hrs
Overall: 531
Men: 400
M35-39: 96

My race plan for the day:

More pictures available in the web album or as a slide show.
Want to leave a comment? Just click on COMMENTS below.
Du hast es geschafft? Hey, super! Congratulations!!! Jakob H.
Congrats! Mike S.
You are my Superman! I love you, Aviva O.
You survived. It must have been a very long day, now enjoy your accomplishment. Ed D.
That a boy, good job Bjoern. Respect to you. You really know how to push your-self. Anson M.
Congratulations Bjoern! Wow!! Linda C.
Awesome!!! Ben G.
CONGRATS!!!!!!!! That's an amazing accomplishment. Jenn W.
Thanks to all for your messages and your support. Especially to my "support team" Aviva who kept me swimming, biking and running for 140 miles and 16 hours ... Couldn't have done it without you! Bjorn
und wie fühlst du dich? Gabriele K.
How do I feel? Like someone who swam 2.4 mi (3,9 km), biked 110 mi (180 km) and ran 26.4 mi (42,2 km) ... Awesome! ;-) Bjorn
Bjoern, just over 16 hours. You are an Ironman! The marathon section must have been brutal. Again congratulations. Ed D.
Bjoern!!!!! You KILLED it! Congrats to you, Iron Man. How thrilling. Can't wait to hear all about it! Celina D.
That's so cool Bjoern. I like the red shirt. It's important to look good while you're kicking butt. Anson M.
You're the Bomb! Cynthia C.
Hats off! Christina M.
Love those colors you were sporting while you were sporting. You are my fitness (and focus) hero! Celeste S.
Bjoern, you are such an inspiration! Congratulations, you did amazing :) I hope to see you soon so you can tell me all about it. Kelly C.
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