It feels like 2007 has just begun and now it's already over again! Well, almost, or better – not everywhere yet ...
Being lucky to have friends around the globe, on a day like this, one can experience how small our world is and how close our countries are connected in the meanwhile. For me, that means that I will welcome the New Year multiple times, since I can celebrate with every single of my friends in the world. 14 hours ago, it already started with my sister in New Zealand, a while ago we welcomed the New Year in Europe and in the next 4 to 7 hours it will be our turn here in the US.
2007 was a very exiting year for me. Over a year ago, I bought a one-way ticket and decided to move to the US with only 3 suitcases and 6 boxes full a few personal belongings. For me, this was the beginning of an adventure which I didn't regret so far; it was the beginning of a new life over 6.000 miles from my old home country. Today, I can look back at many nice memories.
Das Jahr 2007 war für mich mit sehr vielen Höhen und nur einigen wenigen Tiefen verbunden. Dafür bin ich dankbar! Dankbar, dass es mir möglich war, in einer der schönsten Gegenden der Welt (zumindest für mich) ein neues, sehr schönes Leben aufzubauen, mit alten und neuen Freunden, neuem Zuhause, neuem Job und neuen Kollegen. Dankbar, dass es mir gelungen ist, trotz der teilweise sehr großen Entfernung, nach wie vor mit vielen Freunden und Bekannten in Kontakt zu bleiben und für die zahlreiche Unterstützung. Sehr gefreut habe ich mich auch über das große Interesse an meiner Auswanderung und meinem neuen Leben hier in den USA, was ich versucht habe auf meinem Blog unter ein wenig zu dokumentieren.
Personally, the year 2007 was full of many ups and very few downs. For that, I am very thankful! I am thankful that I was able to start a new exiting life in one of the most beautiful areas (at least for me) in the world, with old and new friends, a new home, job and colleagues. I am thankful to still be in contact with many of you, although it was not always easy from the distance and for your support. I am also happy to see that many people are still interested in my new life over here and are following it on my blog at (Sorry, still only in German).
In diesem Sinne, wünsche ich allen einen tollen Start in 2008 und ein erfolgreiches Jahr!
I wish you all a great start into 2008 and a Happy New Year!
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